
Site updates:

8/2015 - 6/2016

  1. Added "LOTG" in response to the issuance of the major revision that came with the release of the 2016-2017 LOTG, including links to the IFAB site and my own bookmarked PDF version of the 2016-2017 LOTG and my synaposis of what I consider to be the most important (for referees below the highest levels) changes
  2. Added "Whistler's Mutter,", "Picture of the Week," and "Interesting WebSites"
  3. Removed Registration/Login requirements


  1. Finally finished completely redesigning the the clip interface, using JWPlayer instead of HTML5 <video>
  2. Setup ClipPlayer to occur in Search window
  3. Reduced the number of different resolution clips: 360 lines & 480 lines, or 360 lines & 720 lines
  4. Added Rugby clips and text to Other Resources
  5. Updated About the Site
  6. Updated/Cleaned up/validated Javascript/JQuery scripts


  1. Corrected improper link to .webm filetype
  2. Updated "Help" page<
  3. Expanded "About the Site" page
  4. Miscellaneous "structural" fixes
  5. Added 44 new clips
  6. .